Do I suck at connecting with readers?

I guess we’re going to find out. I’ve made a few changes. Whoa! Let me back it up a bit. I didn’t just make changes, I hopefully expanded my interaction. I’m going to explain what I did and how I’m hoping to gauge things from here on out.

Basic things people say you need to succeed are a Website, a social media presence, and the heavily touted email list. I’m going to touch on each one and talk about how I feel about them.

Email LIst: Yes I have one. No I don’t optimize it the way I should. I know a lot of people insist that having an email list is golden and the best way to connect with your readers. Sure they joined your list so the want to hear from you. My thing is I don’t send out many emails, like maybe one or two a year. I feel like people are bombarded with emails all the time. Do readers actually open and read the emails? I know that I need to be more regular with this, but honestly I only send something out when I have a new release.

Website: Yes I have one. In fact I just built a new site because I got locked out of my old one. I tried to get back in for months but the host wasn’t helpful to fix the issues. So bye-bye and hello new host and new fresher site. To be honest it’s not 100% yet, but it’s damn close and that makes me happy.

Social Media presence: Well I’m out there. I have a Facebook Author page. No i don;t post there regularly either. I have an Instagram. I enjoy this platform and am working to be more constant here. I’m on Twitter. I used to be more active there, but it got so swamped by political stuff I backed off a lot.

So where does this put me. Very low on the totem pole I think. I know for myself I could really step up my presence, but I don’t want to come off as pushy. I don’t think anyone does. I’m going to work on all of this, but I don’t think that is enough. So I decided to do something I hope will be more fun and interactive. I’ve started a reader’s hangout group over on Facebook.
I’m going to try and pop in a few times a week to chat and see what people are up to and what they’re reading.

So what’s in it for readers who join me there? I want the group to be a fun spot for readers and friends to pop in whenever they feel like it. No pressures. I’m looking forward to some book chats, contest and games. I’ll be post my cover reveals and book news there first. I may even work up the nerve to go live once in while. SO if this sounds like a place you’d like to be a part of I hope you’ll join me. Just click the image below to check it out.

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